Team Building Collaborative Events
The Rundown
Every team needs new ways to sharpen those collaborative skills and Project Human X is aware that groups work better together when individuals learn how to join their inner creative potential together. We are open to holding events with groups of all cultures and ages. Painting together as a team building event is an innovative way to make your group become unified and teaches necessary skills that will make your team members feel accomplished, appreciated and creative.
This Event Offers Benefits Such As:
Effective Communication
Problem Solving
Team Bonding
Compassion For Others & Their Ideas
Self Esteem Boost
A Sense Of Accomplishment
Problem Solving
Team Bonding
Compassion For Others & Their Ideas
Self Esteem Boost
A Sense Of Accomplishment
What If I'm Not An Artist?
This is beauty about art. There is no "right" or "wrong", no "good" or "bad"! Our events are geared toward unlocking your inner creativity and imagination-two qualities all human beings have. Plus if you need help, a lovely host will be available to assist you. This is the time to relax and enjoy the freedom of self expression with others.
How To Get Started
First, pick a date & location to you'd like to host your event at. You are more than welcome to use our Project Human X Art Exhibit or we are happy to come to your office, organization, home or other suggested venue.
Once you have chosen a location, pick which type of project experience you'd like to have (Paint Night, Collaborative Canvas, etc.) No need to bring any materials-we've got everything you'll need to create a beautiful work of art and lovely hosts to guide you through the experience. We only ask that you show up ready to have fun!